Europe Italy Travel

First Day Fears

On my first day I was rather dejected. This was a surprise to me because it was a decision I made, I chose to move to Italy.

Decisions are hard and confusing and sometimes unreasonable to make but this was one I pursued with a steadfast persistence. Regardless of all the negative comments (even now… no I am not coming back home) I got on that plane and am now sitting here in a peaceful city, in a beautiful country.

Maybe I’ve been homesick? It probably is homesickness if that is what it’s called (cold sweats because I haven’t had an English Breakfast or a Roast?). I finally pin pointed the reasoning for how I have felt (random tearful moments). I have never felt so alone in my entire life. This is the effect of being so loved and cherished my whole life, so I can’t really complain. I’ve always been surrounded by people who love and care for me. It’s strange being somewhere where nobody knows you or the language to get to know you.

It has been hard, maybe one of the hardest things I’ve had to do but for someone who appreciates a lot of things, it’s just made me appreciate even more. The people in my life are beyond amazing and would do anything for me, there are a lot of people who don’t have something like this and I am very grateful.

My new plan is to stop moping around. I’m here for a reason, I’m here to change people’s lives in whatever way possible so I should get on with it.

See you where the sun shines.

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